Proudly invented, developed and manufactured in Melbourne, MicroHeat Technologies hold multiple patents for their revolutionary approach to directly heating water by the controlled application of electricity. Requiring no storage tank and able to heat running water instantaneously and continuously, even at very low flow rates, the MicroHeat CFEWH saves time, energy & money with its compact under bench mounting design.
Armed with their knowledge of how to precisely control the flow of electricity through running water, and cope with variations in flow-rate and varying water conductivity, all that was left was everything else. MicroHeat engaged APS Innovations to assist with the not insignificant task to develop, prototype, test, tool, and hand-over manufacturing of the primarily plastics based hardware required to commercialise their first product offering.
The revolutionary technology heats running water by passing between mains-power electrodes.
A dedicated workshop area was set up within APS’s facilities for the duration of the development phase, and office space was found within the same building complex, allowing MicroHeat and APS personnel to work together shoulder to shoulder without hindrance.
Having established basic functionality as part of the developmental testing program, overcoming sealing issues and other challenges associated with what is essentially a compact, rectangular plastic pressure vessel, attention was turned to the task of manufacturing.
With a footprint similar to A4 paper, the compact design utilises multiple layered passages to gain the required electrode area.
Various manufacturing techniques were researched in order to facilitate the simple but strong assembly of the main body, sandwiching and isolating the multiple internal zones from each other.
APS engaged with hot-plate welding specialists overseas to assist with development of bespoke tooling, required for manufacturing of the single-piece water-tight enclosure to which all remaining components are externally mounted.
“MicroHeat engaged APS Innovations to assist with the not insignificant task to develop, prototype, test, tool, and hand-over manufacturing of the hardware.”
styling concept development
engineering CAD
developmental testing program
functional prototype manufacture & testing
plastics materials selection
FEA structural analysis
injection moulding flow analysis
tooling cooling analysis
part warpage/distortion analysis
manufacturing line hand-over
marketing renderings & technical drawings
Originally developed on-site at APS Innovations, then contract manufactured by Futuris, MicroHeat now enjoy their own dedicated manufacturing facilities.
In preparation for commencement of commercial manufacturing, APS worked closely with contract manufacturer Futuris to establish assembly procedures and equipment settings, to ensure a smooth hand-over and consistent quality of the final product.